
Seminar 2- Trade, Communication, and Self-Awareness Las Cruces, NM September 26-28, 2023 Bernadette's Highlights I call this picture New Friends of Bernadette with Daniel standing in front of the Santa Teresa International Livestock Office. Notce the bullhead above us.  I called this picture When the Cows Come Home- after crossing into the US, they are onto their next home sweet home.  I call this picture Look Down the Yonder- Daniel is pointing out much the Santa Teressa International Livestock has grown since its existance.  I call this picture the Old Wagon. It was the first thing that caught my attention as we arrived at the Santa Teresa International Livestock. I did not know what to expect. My curiousity ran high! I call this picture the Crossing of Cattle into the US. That morning, they crossed in the hundres of cattle. The black fence is the border of US and Mexico. The cowboys joked that they are now 'green'. I call this picture the Waiting Game. There are importan
Hello! Please check out my blog page. I am participating in a leadership program, the New Mexico Agricultural Leadership (NMAL), for the next 18 months. I am sharing my blog address, ... with you because I wanted to share this experience with you. Please start by introducing yourselves and answering, what is leadership? For now, I was instructed to set up and maintain a blog for the duration of the program. Every two-three months we will have seminars. After each seminar, I will post about the seminar, add pictures, and start blogging.  Thank you! Bernadette
 July 10, 2023- Monday Hi. Welcome to Bernadette's first blog. What was the most interesting? The most interesting of Seminar 1 was the orientation and the introductions. When we all first met one another. We each introduced ourselves to one another. What topics do you want to know more about? I would like to know more about the state of New Mexico's top five exports and imports. I would like to know more about the political process from the state level to the national level. I would like to know more about the agricultural industries in New Mexico (NM). For example, the cheese factories or shrimp farms (if NM has any). How will you apply this experience/knowledge to your professional and/or personal life? I will apply and share this experience/knowledge in my job, and in general to family and friends. The agricultural field is so vast that you cannot know everything. The New Mexico Agricultural Leadership (NMAL) program has six areas of focus and through Seminar 1 we have alre